Books by Melissa Heiland
Melissa has undertaken multiple writing projects at the request of partners in ministry and in areas where she has felt led to better equip those fulfilling their calling in pro-life and Gospel ministries. She is published by Tyndale Publishing, Hendrickson Publishing, and the International Mission Board. Her books are available at Amazon and Christian Book Distributors.

A Mother's Journey
Devotional for Pregnancy
This 40-week devotional, corresponding to each week of pregnancy, is a testimony to the wonders and depth of God's love and grace to pregnant women and children in the womb. It is a warm, engaging biblical journey that is comforting and encouraging to those going through a challenging time in their lives.

El Viaje de Una Madre
Un Devocional Para El Embarazo (Spanish Edition)
Este devocional de 40 semanas, correspondiente a cada semana de el embarazo, es un testimonio a las maravillas e intensidad del amor y la gracia que Dios provee a mujeres embarazadas y los bebes en el vientre. Es una lectura tierna y cautivadora que conforta y alienta a aquellos pasando por tiempos turbulentos.

A Mother's Comfort
Devotional for Baby's First Year
This 52-week devotional is written for mothers during their babies' first year. Each devotional is written to speak to a new mother's heart. The Scripture passages will teach and remind her that just as she loves and comforts her child, she has a Heavenly Father who loves and comforts her. There is a place for her to record her thoughts and dreams for her child each week as she watches her baby grow and develop into the person God made him to be.

La Esperanza de Una Madre
Un Devocional Para Usar En El Primer Año de Su Bebe (Spanish Edition)
Este devocional de 52 semanas está escrito para madres durante el primer año de su bebe. Cada devocional está escrito para tocar el corazón de nuevas mamas. Este pasaje de La Escritura le enseñaran y recordaran que así como ella ama y conforta a su bebe, ella tiene un Padre Todopoderoso quien la ama y la conforta a ella. Cada semana contiene espacio para que ella escriba sus pensamientos y esperanzas para su hijo mientras ella ve a su bebe crecer y desarrollarse en la persona que Dios lo destino a ser.

You Are Wonderful
Psalm 139 for Children
This 40-week devotional, corresponding to each week of pregnancy, is a testimony to the wonders and depth of God's love and grace to pregnant women and children in the womb. It is a warm, engaging biblical journey that is comforting and encouraging to those going through a challenging time in their lives.

Eres Maravillos
Salmo 139 guía a niños - (Spanish Edition)
A través de las conmovedoras ilustraciones y un lenguaje sencillo, Eres Maravilloso guía a niños a través del Salmo 139. Los encantadores dibujos de niños y niñas jugando, cepillando sus dientes, recostados en la cama y mirando las estrellas asegurará a los niños que el Señor está con ellos todos los días. Este libro da confort a nuestros pequeños al recordándoles el amor incondicional de Dios y Su constante presencia. Para niños de 0 a 5 años de edad.

Get Set
A Spiritual Preparation for Short-Term Mission Partners
Going on a short-term mission trip can be thrilling, stretching, and scary. To help you and your church mission team be prepared spiritually, Melissa Heiland of Beautiful Feet International has created a 31-day devotional for short-term missions partners. You will be able to relate to the personal stories of others who have traveled overseas with teams to share the gospel with a lost world. Each devotion begins with a suggested Scripture passage to review, a devotional story, and a prayer. A helpful timeline of things your team needs
to do before departure is included in the index. This
booklet is the perfect tool for your short-term team
to read the month preceding your mission trip!

Let's Go!
Devotional for Short-Term Mission Partners
You have committed to serving the Lord on a short-term mission trip. Whether this is your first trip or you are a seasoned traveler, this book is designed to help you get the most out of your missions experience as you prepare to go and while you are on the field. The book contains 12 weekly devotions to be completed during the 3 months prior to your trip. It also includes 10 daily devotions to use while you are on the field. The devotions contain a Bible passage with a key verse highlighted, a few words of challenge or inspiration, and an action step. The book also includes journal lines for your thoughts and prayers.
Interviews With Melissa
Watch Melissa's Interview on Hope Today, regarding her "Get Set" devotional.